Wilton Certified Local Government Commission (WCLGC) was established in 2017 to support, promote and identify historic districts, sites and buildings in our community. Since that time, we have completed many projects such as working with an historian to do an intensive level survey and then list Wilton’s downtown commercial district on the National Register.
Historic Neighborhoods in Wilton
Currently, the WCLGC is researching two historic Wilton neighborhoods with the hope of getting them listed on the National Register of Historic Places: Maurer Street and 5th and 6th Streets.
A letter has been mailed to all homeowners in these two areas to request the following: stories of their homes and the people who lived there, historic photographs, scrapbooks, abstracts and any other documents that they or anyone who used to live there, would be willing to share with us. Please send or bring in your items to Wilton Chamber & Development Alliance at 104 East 4th Street in Wilton or call us at 563-732-5002.
Historic Resource Development Program Grant
This research is possible due to the WCLGC receiving a Historic Resource Development Program Grant (HRDP) to complete an Intensive Level Survey of the two neighborhoods.
The Maurer Street project area will include both sides of the named street from Wate Street to north of Prairie Street. It will also include portions of East Wate, East Rose, East Summit, and East Prairie Streets as defined in the reconnaissance survey. Houses in this neighborhood are of late 19th- and early 20th-century styles. Each resource (house) will be evaluated for individual eligibility and whether contributing or noncontributing to any defined historic district.
The West 5th and West 6th Streets Project area will include both sides of those streets from Oak Street to about Maurer Street. It will also include segments of intersecting streets as defined in the reconnaissance survey. Buildings in this neighborhood represent a number of styles of the Victorian era, ranging from about the 1850s onward. Some houses are of the early 20th century.
Other Work of the WCLGC
The WCLGC also partnered with the Muscatine County Historic Preservation Commission to complete a Planning for Preservation Program for our county and to complete a windshield survey, research histories and install signage on all historic schools and churches in Wilton and Moscow township. We’ve helped with listing two historic homes in Wilton, aided in the restoration of City Hall, and worked with a consultant to complete a windshield survey for potential historic neighborhoods in Wilton.
Every other year in May we put together and conduct an historic tour of the downtown and cemetery for all 5th and 6th grade students. The promotion of WCLGC’s work is done through our website, historic calendars, published histories such as the Muscatine County Schools and Churches, open houses at historic sites, school programs, and partnerships with all area historic groups, our local library, City and County officials and State government agencies.
If you would like to help the WCLGC with the Historic Neighborhoods project, please contact Wilton Chamber and Development Alliance, 563-732-5002.